Read our 5 Step Guide to Getting Started with Pilates at In-Balance
"Do I need an assessment or can I go straight into a Pilates class?"

Step 1: If you are already well familiar with the Pilates Method and have previously used Pilates equipment -in particularly Pilates Reformers
AND If you are generally healthy, with no current injuries then you should be able to participate in our regular classes without any need for a refresher. Just let our admin team know and they can help you organise your registration. Once you have registered with our online booking platform at wellness living you can manage your own schedule and pay for classes, book and cancel online.
We also have our own Booking App through Wellness Living. You can get started browsing our Pilates Class schedule if you download your copy of our In-Balance App by clicking either of the following links.

Step 2: Short on time, no current injuries or need a refresher but confident to get started?
The most time effective way of beginning the process is to purchase and book our Pilates Class Starter Package. This provides for a 45 minute private session with one of our Pilates Instructors, followed by 2 beginners classes.

Step 3: Want to learn the traditional exercises at a slower pace to reduce the potential for injury?
If you have some current niggles, prefer to learn more thoroughly or just want to re-experience the basics, then you are probably better committing to our 5 week Pilates Foundation course. Designed to teach and deepen your understanding of the Pilates method, these classes are scheduled once a week for 5 consecutive weeks. Each week will build on the foundations of the previous week. These classes are suitable for those with or without any Pilates experience. Classes will involve learning the basic Pilates mat exercises and an introduction to the reformer and small apparatus. These courses are run continuously throughout the year in blocks and are able to be accessed on our booking platform.

Step 4:You have a history of pain or have a current limiting injury that may need looking at first
Then you should attend for an assessment with a physiotherapist to determine the appropriate starting level for your pilates experience. It is possible that the physio will determine at this time that classes are not recommended until certain issues have been addressed. This may be achieved through one to one pilates tuition, hands on treatment or referral for other investigations in the case of certain pathologies. Sometimes the physio may determine that participation in our studio sessions (see below) with a personalised exercise program is a better option for you.

Step 5: Pilates Studio vs Pilates Classes
Our studio sessions incorporate the use of our gym and Pilates equipment – reformers, trapeze table, wunda and exo chairs, ladder barrel, spine correctors, magic circles, chi balls, fit balls, theraband and rotator discs. Whereas in our Classes we use our Reformers, mat work and small apparatus. Classes have a maximum of 7 participants whereas studio sessions have a maximum of 4 participants.
During classes all participants are performing the same exercises (with modifications for individuals if required) whereas in studio sessions you will be supervised whilst performing specific corrective exercises which have been designed and are progressed by your Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist or Pilates Instructor.
Bookings for our studio sessions require you have an initial assessment and some individual instruction so we can design a tailor-made program to address your injuries and to familiarise you with the safe use of equipment and correct performance of exercises. Check out our team to see who is the best fit to assess your particular problem or injury.

"Whats the difference between Pilates at In-Balance and Pilates at a gym or franchise Pilates Chain?"
When you learn Pilates at In-Balance you can be reassured that our Instructors have undertaken comprehensive education in performing, teaching and modifying Pilates exercises to ensure you are safe and will get the maximum benefit from the exercises.
When taught well, Reformer Pilates challenges your dynamic control, helps muscle endurance, strength, balance, co-ordination and more. To achieve this, it is best practiced in small groups or individually, to ensure you understand how the exercise should feel and what muscles should or shouldnt be activating during the movement. This may require the instructor to help you with touch talk or imaginative cues to help you access the control in various areas of your body.
It is also well understood that perfoming exercises too rapidly or with incorrect load for capacity can have a detrimental effect and even lead to injury. Our classes are non competitive and designed to flow so that you feel the benefits of flexibility and control throughout the whole body, we dont just target abs, butts or core!
If you are still not sure where you should begin our lovely admin team will be happy to answer your queries if you give them a call on 63344766.