Lungs In Action &
Pulmonary Maintenance Classes
Reduce the symptoms of breathlessness and fatigue to reclaim your quality of life
Around seven million Australians, nearly 1 in 3 people, will experience the impact of lung conditions, these conditions significantly influence people's quality of life, their capacity to stay active, and productive, and fulfil their potential
Research shows that for people living with chronic lung disease, continuing regular exercise after pulmonary rehabilitation helps maintain their fitness and well-being. It’s important they continue regular exercise as the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation can decline over 6 -12 months if it is not maintained.
What is it?
Lungs In Action is a community-based exercise program run by exercise professionals
Lungs in Action classes are flexible and are tailored to suit your individual needs.
Classes include exercises such as walking, upper and lower body strength exercises, balance, and stretches, as well as seated options for those who are more breathless or who require supplemental oxygen or a walking aid.
Regular exercise helps to improve symptoms such as breathlessness, which helps increase independence and make daily activities such as cooking or washing easier. The classes also provide a unique opportunity to meet and socialise with people living with a lung condition
Is This Program For Me?
Suitable for people with stable chronic lung conditions who may benefit from supervised exercise to maintain their health and well-being, and reduce hospital visits and exacerbations.
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Asthma
- Lung Transplant
- Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
- Interstitial lung disease
- Lung Cancer
- Stable heart condition
Check out the video by Lung Foundation Australia below to hear how Lungs In Action can help!
How Do I Get Started?
Ask your Doctor about a GP Management Plan!
You will need to book a screening assessment with our Exercise Physiologist.
It's important that we have a good understanding of any injuries, underlying medical conditions and medications prior to participating, so please bring this information to your appointment.
You will need a medical clearance from your GP or Specialist to start the exercise program.
If you require supplemental oxygen you must provide your own portable oxygen equipment with sufficient oxygen supply for the class and travel to and from In-Balance.
Book Now
You will need to book a screening assessment
with our Exercise Physiologist.
Appointment type -
Initial Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assessment
PHONE (03) 6334 4766